Saturday, December 27, 2008

Web Development Statistics

This is just my own, quick-and-dirty method for getting an idea of which Web development languages/tools will be in demand for 2009. I have little doubt there are plenty of limitations with these stats, but I think they're good enough to indicate relative job availability for the next year or so. I'm pleased to see that Ruby is doing better than Drupal.

Search terms are in single quotes; 'telecommute' stats are generated using the search term with the telecommuting option checked.
'ruby': 596
telecommute: 1

'drupal': 65
telecommute: 0

'joomla': 20
telecommute: 0

'cakephp': 0

Craigslist New York:
'ruby': 86
telecommute: 6

'drupal': 22
telecommute: 4

'joomla': 18
telecommute: 3

'cakephp': 5
telecommute: 0

Craigslist LA:
'ruby': 21
telecommute: 5

'drupal': 15
telecommute: 2

'joomla': 16
telecommute: 2

'cakephp': 0

TIOBE (December 2008):
PHP rank: 4
Ruby rank: 11

'ruby * developer': 1,420,000
'ruby * developer' telecommute': 4,610

'drupal * developer': 546,000
'drupal * developer' telecommute: 12,400

'joomla * developer': 4,130,000
'joomla * developer' telecommute': 6,430

'cakephp * developer': 89,600
'cakephp * developer' telecommute': 359