Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today four of us took a train to Florence and wandered around. Near the end of my trip we visited the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, a big cathedral.

Chris, Bart, and Peter near the cathedral

Giotto's bell tower

Cathedral entrance

River view in Florence

A bridge

A church in Florence

Art in Pisa

Political graffiti in Pisa. I was told this is the outside of a building where a political club meets.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. We just got back from Vermont. It was nice there but all we saw was mountains, trees and a lake with a bit of rain. I hope your Italian adventure unfolds well.
Talk to you later,

6:18 PM, July 02, 2009  
Blogger HM said...

Wow, great set! Keep going!

2:13 AM, July 16, 2009  

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